Management- and Strategy Consulting

The industry is facing major structural changes. Recent growth resulting from catch up effects of past times of crisis due to changing customer needs the consulting company requires new business and career models. “The classic model of strategy consulting is reaching its limits,” Professor Dietmar Fink has mentioned this point in a recent study.

Many clients of consulting firms would like to be supported with the implementation of the recommended concepts. Thus, it is about a fundamental change in the structures. Then there are the necessities for the internationalization and the development of new business areas. At the same time increases the competitive pressure: The major accounting firms and service companies are increasingly discovering the traditional management consulting and benefit from their high levels of awareness, which will require additional adjustments in the traditional consulting firms.

Effective managers from the network by Norbert Markut dominate the market environment of international strategy and management consulting firm, are creative and innovative in developing new structures and business